The journey included a large number of meaningful activities for local people in Ia Lop commune, Ea Sup district, Dak Lak province, such as presenting 20 gifts, worth VND 300 thousand each, to disadvantaged students in the locality, offering incense and flower to fallen soldiers at the Ea H’leo border station, and organizing a flag salute ceremony and an art exchange.

Presenting gifts to needy people

In addition, the organizing panel also disseminated information on land border demarcation between Vietnam and Cambodia; reviewed historical events of the Vietnam Border Guard in general and Dak Lak provincial as well as Ea H’leo district border guard forces in particular.

The journey was a part of the program of local youth organizations to celebrate the 66th anniversary of the capital’s Liberation Day and the 64th anniversary of the Foundation Day of the Vietnam Youth Federation.

Translated by Quynh Oanh