Earlier, on April 20-21, communes of Niem Son, Niem Tong, Khau Vai, Ta lung and Sung Tra, etc., in Meo Vac district experienced torrential rain and whirlwinds, causing severe damage to properties and crops. More than 300 houses were badly damaged, of which, 5 houses collapsed completely. It was estimated that the total loss reached over VND 1 billion.

Militiamen of Sung Tra commune helping local people surmount natural disaster consequences

On learning about the situation, the district’s armed forces coordinated with the local authority to help people overcome the consequences and provide necessities for people.

According to Colonel Phan Van Dung, Political Commissar of the Meo Vac district Military Command, upon receiving the information, troops of the command rushed to the scene and teamed up with the commune’s militiamen to evacuate people and their properties to safer places.

Troops of Xin Cai Border Post help people in Than Chu village, Thuong Phung commune repair their house.
Troops of Son Vi Border Post, police officers and militiamen of Son Vi commune help people repair their house.

Previously, troops of Son Vi and Xin Cai Border Posts and local police officers supported the locals to repair their houses and other facilities, so that they could soon stabilize their lives and resume production activities.

Translated by Chung Anh