Within the framework of this program, Flotilla 32 collaborated with relevant authorities in Ninh Thuan province to disseminate information about laws and regulations on combating Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing among local officials, boat owners, and fishermen in the locality. They presented 100 gifts to policy beneficiaries and needy fishermen in Ninh Hai district, as well as handed over 10 bicycles and granted 50 scholarships to disadvantaged students.

Leaders of Flotilla 32 and local authorities present gifts to fishermen.

Speaking at the event, Senior Colonel Hoang Ngoc Thien, Political Commissar of Flotilla 32, mentioned that the Vietnam Coast Guard Command has been implementing the mass mobilization program themed "Coast guards stand by fishermen" since 2017. Up to now, the program has been conducted in most island communes and districts nationwide, receiving enthusiastic participation and assistance from local Party committees, authorities, political and social organizations, armed force units, and enterprises.

Presenting bicycles to disadvantaged students in Ninh Thuan province
Handing over gifts to needy households in Ninh Thuan province

Through the program, officers of Flotilla 32 have popularized law information and education to raise the awareness of local residents, especially boat owners, fishermen, and students in the district of the protection of national sovereignty over sea and islands, the prevention of illegal fishing activities, and drug prevention and control.

Leaders of Flotilla 32 presents gifts to policy beneficiaries in Ninh Thuan province.

Additionally, the program contributed to heightening the responsibility of Party organizations, local authorities, and the community in coordinating with the coast guard force to enforce marine laws, enhance civilian-military solidarity, and build the whole-people national defense and people's security postures at sea, contributing to firmly protecting national sovereignty over sea and islands.

Translated by Trung Thanh