According to Nguyen Quoc Hanh, Head of the Mass Mobilization Commission, Bo Trach district now has 1,120 fishing boats operating at sea. Over the past time, the district authorities have encouraged fishermen to reach out to the open sea to exploit more sea products.

Disseminating information about anti-IUU fishing

In Bo Trach district, the mission presented 50 gifts to local policy beneficiary families and disadvantaged fishermen. They distributed leaflets and documents on anti-IUU fishing, gave life jackets and national flags to local fishermen as well. The mission also granted 20 scholarships to poor students with good academic records of Nhan Trach commune Secondary School No.1.

Presenting gifts to the local fishermen

Meanwhile, at the hall of Nhan Trach commune People’s Committee, 30 students, representing over 450 students of Nhan Trach commune Secondary School No.1 eagerly participated in the contest named “I love national sea and islands.” The students competed in four parts, answering questions about the national sea and islands, the Vietnam Coast Guard Law 2018, the traditions of the heroic Vietnam Coast Guard force, the tradition of the hometown and country, the harms of drugs, school violence, and drug prevention and control at schools.

School headmaster Nguyen Anh Son spoke highly of the contest, saying that it was really a festive day for the students, helping promote the love for national sea and islands and raise awareness and responsibility among students.

Awarding the first prize to student Tran Le Gia Linh

According to Major Tong Duy Thuan, Political Commissar of Squadron 102, the success of the program and contest has contributed to spreading the image of Uncle Ho’s soldiers and Coast Guard soldiers among local people.

Translated by Song Anh