The event was held in Dai Lanh and Van Thanh communes of Khanh Hoa province with a series of activities. The organizing panel disseminated sea and islands-related information; presented 270 gifts to policy families and needy fishermen; handed over 30 scholarships to needy students with good academic results; provided free health check-up and medicines to locals; offered medical cabinets, life-jackets, and national flags to fishermen; and launched a beach clean-up movement.

Delegates at the event

Speaking at the event, Political Commissar of Flotilla 32 Senior Colonel Hoang Ngoc Thien said that since 2017, the Vietnam Coast Guard has conducted the “Coast guards stand by fishermen” program in almost all island communes and districts across the country. The program with practical activities has received the support of local party committees and authorities, political and social organizations, armed force units, and local businesses.

Delegates handing over gifts to policy beneficiaries and needy locals
Representatives of agencies and organizations present scholarships to needy students with good academic results.

Activities have helped island communes and districts and coastal localities promote socio-economic development; strengthen solidarity and raise people’s patriotism and love for national sea and islands; encourage needy people to overcome difficulties to study; facilitate fishermen to fish at sea to raise their living standards, contribute to local economic development, and safeguard national sovereignty over sea and islands. 

Representatives of Flotilla 32 and the Khanh Hoa provincial Party Committee’s Mass Mobilization Commission, troops, and youths cleaning the beach

Mentioning the province’s efforts in eliminating hunger and reducing poverty, Deputy Head of the Khanh Hoa provincial Party Committee’s Mass Mobilization Commission Chu Van Loan said that over the past time despite difficulties, especially in post-pandemic period, military units, and local agencies and units have carried out mass mobilization work, contributing to raising the material and spiritual life of locals. 

At the free health check-up for locals

The local official hoped that the program will make more contribution to hunger elimination and poverty reduction efforts and inspire and support needy people to overcome difficulties to escape poverty.

Translated by Tran Hoai