The medical personnel of Cha Lo International Border Guard Station providing healthcare for people at the combined military-civilian medical station

Dan Hoa is a border commune in Minh Hoa district, Quang Binh province. The life of the local ethnic minority people there is still poor; therefore, the local authority’s ability to meet the residents’ healthcare needs is limited. Knowing this reality, the Quang Binh provincial Border Guard Command has constructed a military-civilian medical station in Bai Dinh village and assigned the Border Post of Cha Lo International Border Gate to manage. Since the establishment of the medical station, the residents have received attentive healthcare, and their awareness of health has also been raised.

During our visit to the military-civilian medical station under the Border Post of Cha Lo International Border Gate in late July, we observed that some residents came for health check-ups early in the morning. The military medical personnel conducted examinations and provided health consultations to the locals enthusiastically.

According to non-commissioned Major Phan Anh Tuan, the medical station's mission is to collaborate with the local health sector to provide initial healthcare for the people. Previously, the community often resorted to unscientific treatments when they were ill, which not only failed to cure the illnesses but also worsened the patients' health. Since the medical station was established, information dissemination to the residents has been intensified, and most people now visit it for medical check-ups whenever they are sick.

Major Tuan also recalled an incident during a major storm in September 2021 when Ms. Ho Thi Bong in K-Ai village, Dan Hoa commune, experienced severe abdominal pain. Heavy rain made transportation extremely difficult as the village was cut off by a swiftly flowing stream. Upon receiving a phone call from the patient's family, Major Tuan immediately crossed the stream to reach the patient. Ms. Bong was later diagnosed with appendicitis and had to be transferred to a higher-level hospital for surgery. Major Tuan reported to his unit's command, mobilized personnel to the village, and ensured timely transportation of Ms. Bong to the hospital. After the incident, she shared, "I will never forget the image of the border guards using a raft to help me cross the stream for emergency care. Without them, I don't know what would have happened to me."

Giving medicines to people in Bai Dinh village

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Xuan Thanh, Commanding Officer of the Border Post of Cha Lo International Border Gate, stated, "On average, every month, the medical station provides health check-ups and free medicines for about 150 residents in the area. Additionally, the military medical personnel also provide home treatment when necessary. During weekends, the military medical staff spend time visiting local people and encouraging them to promote proper eating habits, hygiene, and disease prevention. Thanks to these active and effective activities, the medical station has contributed to developing a close relationship between troops and the civilians."

The military-civilian medical station at the Border Post of Cha Lo International Border Gate is just one of many similar stations that are effectively providing health services for residents in remote, far-reaching areas, and border areas in Quang Binh province. Through medical examination and treatment, the military medical personnel also promote the Party's guidelines and State's laws and policies, and contribute to strengthening the security and social order in the area.

Translated by Trung Thanh