At the 27-7 National Historical Relic Site (Hung Son commune, Dai Tu district, Thai Nguyen province), Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong and the delegation respectfully offered incense in commemoration of President Ho Chi Minh and the heroic martyrs.

Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong offering flowers to the heroic martyrs
The delegation observes a moment of silence in commemoration of President Ho Chi Minh and the heroic martyrs.
Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong writes in the guest book at the 27-7 National Historical Relic Site.

Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong wrote in the guest book at the 27-7 National Historical Relic Site: “Bearing in mind the teachings of our beloved Uncle Ho: ‘The blood of the martyrs has dyed the revolutionary flag even brighter, preparing our country for the blossoming of independence and the fruition of freedom,’ the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense express infinite respect and gratitude for the immense contribution of President Ho Chi Minh and the heroic martyrs. All officers and soldiers in the military pledge to be united as one, be absolutely loyal to the Party, the Fatherland, and the people; build a revolutionary, regular, elite, and gradually modernized People's Army of Vietnam; and together with the entire Party and people, firmly protect the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.”

Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong presents gifts to wounded soldiers Nguyen Thi Nguyen and Dinh Minh Duong.

During a visit to wounded soldiers Nguyen Thi Nguyen and Dinh Minh Duong, Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong expressed deep respect and gratitude for their sacrifices and contribution. He asserted that wounded and sick soldiers, despite their serious injuries and challenges in daily life, exhibit the will and determination of Uncle Ho's soldiers, maintaining faith in life and resiliently overcoming difficulties and illnesses while pursuing suitable work to stabilize their own lives and those of their families.

Translated by Chung Anh