Within the framework of the program, troops of the Coast Guard Region 3 Command coordinated with Ho Chi Minh City's Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Commission, the Party Committee of Can Gio district, and the Lao dong (Labor) Newspaper to disseminate sea-and-islands-related information; the position, role, and importance of Vietnam's sea and islands in the cause of national construction and defense; the Party’s guidelines and State’s policies and laws on protecting national sovereignty over sea and islands in the new situation; prevention of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing to ship owners, fishermen, and local people.

On this occasion, the Coast Guard Region 3 Command presented 80 gifts to policy families and needy fishermen in Can Thanh townlet and Long Hoa commune (Can Gio district). The force worked with the Labor Newspaper to present 2,500 national flags to fishing boats and fishermen.

Fishermen in Thanh An island commune receiving gifts

Notably, the "Spring at sea and on islands - A Tet of sharing" program in 2023 was held by Coast Guard Region 3 in Thanh An island commune, during which the organizing panel gave 50 gifts to fishermen with difficult circumstances and policy families.

According to Mr. Le Minh Dung, Secretary of Can Gio’s Party Committee, the district has more than 20km of coastline with large estuaries. Since the district was liberated, the locality has considered aquaculture its key economic sector and one of the momenta for local socio-economic development. However, in recent years, fishermen in the district have faced numerous difficulties due to the fierce impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Highlighting the significance of the coast guard force’s deeds and activities, the district’s leader said that those activities have served as foundation to build whole people’s defense posture, contributing to firmly protecting national sovereignty over sea and islands. 

According to Senior Colonel Le Trong Pho, Deputy Political Commissar of the Coast Guard Region 3 Command, this is the fourth time that the program has been held in Can Gio district. The program shows sentiment and responsibility of the coast guard force in general and Coast Guard Region 3 in particular for policy families, ethnic minority people, religious practitioners, fishermen, and students in difficult circumstances, thus strengthening solidarity between troops and people and raising their love for the nation, sea and islands.

Translated by Chung Anh