Fishermen receiving national flag

During the event, the Coast Guard Region 1 Command cooperated with local Party Committee and authorities to present 50 gift packages, worth VND 1 million each, 100 national flags, 70 boxes of medical facemasks and 70 bottles of hand sanitizer to needy fishermen in Quang Trach district.

On the occasion, the mission also distributed leaflets with information related to sea and islands and law and conducted dissemination activities to raise fishermen’s knowledge of regulations on combating illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

According to Standing Deputy Head of the provincial Party Committee’s Mass Mobilization Commission Phan Xuan Khanh, this was a significant activity of the Coast Guard Region 1 Command. It showed the unit’s responsibility and care for policy beneficiaries and needy people in the province.

He added that such practical activities will encourage fishermen to continue fishing at sea and help forces’ efforts in popularizing the Party’s guidelines and State’s policies, contributing to firmly safeguarding the national sovereignty over sea and islands.

Translated by Chung Anh