The Women’s Union of the Department of Professional Affairs and Law under the Vietnam Coast Guard Command is sponsoring five children from the Social Protection Center No.3.

Following the Women’s Union representatives to inquire after children at the Social Protection Center No.3 in Hanoi, we had more understanding about the spiritual and material needs of children who have no relatives to take care of. Therefore, members of the union often visit the center to present gifts to and spend time looking after the children.

Currently, the union is sponsoring five orphaned children until they are 18 years old. According to Tran Thi Hai, Director of the Social Protection Center No.3, the “Godmother” program, implemented by the Women’s Union of the Department of Professional Affairs and Law under the Vietnam Coast Guard Command, in the center has become a fulcrum for children to continue their study and exert more efforts to become good citizens in society.

With the message “No orphan is left behind. Let's act for a happy and bright future for children," the "Godmother" program has a profound humane meaning, showing the spirit and responsibility of officers and members of the Women’s Union of the Vietnam Coast Guard Command for society.

Presenting gifts to and organizing activities for children from the Social Protection Center No.3. on Children’s Day

On June 1, the union organized a program at the Social Protection Center No.3 to present gifts to children with good academic results and conducted artistic exchange activities and games to bring a warm children’s day for them.

Lieutenant Colonel Tran Thi Kieu, Chairwoman of the Women’s Union of the Department of Professional Affairs and Law under the Vietnam Coast Guard Command, touchingly shared that the radiant and innocent eyes gleaming with belief and hope have given them more motivation to continue to organize the “Godmother” program. The union’s activities would be seen as a bridge of love connecting people with kindness with orphaned children, striving for a better future for them, she underlined.

Within the activities for the community, recently, a delegation of the Women’s Union of the Department of Professional Affairs and Law under the Vietnam Coast Guard Command carried out the “Coast guards stand by fishermen” program in Tan Hiep island commune, Hoi An city, Quang Nam province.

Distributing leaflets to local fishermen to popularize law on fishing activities

During the event, the delegation disseminated information about the prevention of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing among local fishermen. On the occasion, they handed over gifts to the union’s needy female members and granted scholarships to disadvantaged children with excellent academic results in Tan Hiep commune.

Translated by Quynh Oanh