Over the past time, whenever coming to Bac Son commune, Mong Cai city, officers and young intellectuals from Afforestation Plantation No.42 always take leaflets with them and distribute to local people.

Troops and young intellectuals from Afforestation Plantation No.42 disseminate law among people in Luc Phu village, Bac Son commune, Mong Cai city, Quang Ninh province.

According to non-commissioned Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Quang Vinh from Afforestation Plantation No.42, Bac Son is a border commune; therefore, they have always kept a weather eye open to prevent smuggling and illegal border crossings. The unit has coordinated with local authorities and the border guard force to promote law dissemination and education among local people and students as well. 

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Huy Hoang, Director of Afforestation Plantation No.156, shared that Trinh Tuong residential area currently has more than 70 families of Dao ethnic people living near the borderline. Due to its isolated location in the mountains, the local authority has faced difficulties in implementing the Party’s guidelines and policies and conducting law dissemination and education among local people. The rate of poor households in the locality remains high and child marriage, gender inequality and some backward customs still exist. Therefore, along with supporting people in economic development, the unit has boosted law dissemination and education, and encouraged the locals to have a more civilized lifestyle.

Over the past years, units and afforestation plantations of the Defense-Economic Unit 327 have pro-actively coordinated with local authorities, sectors, organizations, and the border guards and police to uphold their role as a bridge bringing the Party’s guidelines and policies and the State’s laws to local people.

Law dissemination and education activities have been carried out in various forms, mainly via loudspeakers or sending groups to distribute leaflets to each family, and others. The afforestation plantations have taken full advantage of the role of reputable people and village patriarchs to raise the efficiency of these activities.

Apart from legal documents related to defense and security, the units have enhanced popularizing information about several essential laws, such as road traffic, marriage and family, gender equality, to name but a few, and newly-issued legal documents; combined disseminating laws with mobilizing people to eliminate backward customs build a more civilized lifestyle.

Senior Colonel Bui Xuan Dinh, Deputy Political Commissar of Defense-Economic Unit 327, affirmed that the active participation of troops and young intellectuals has shown their important role in bringing the law to people, contributing to raise their awareness of law observance.

It can be said that the mass mobilization in general and law dissemination and education in particular have made contribution to maintaining political security and social order and safety in the localities, consolidating the military-civilian ties, and safeguarding the border in the Northeastern region of the country.

Translated by Quynh Oanh