During main crops, the officers and soldiers of Ca Xeng Border Guard Station take turns helping local people in cultivation and harvesting of agricultural products, with some driving tractors, preparing fertilizers and seedlings, while others helping with the harvest.

For many years, hundreds of households of the Ruc, Co Tu, Van Kieu, and other ethnic groups in Thuong Hoa and Hoa Son communes of Minh Hoa district, Quang Binh province have enjoyed bumper crops and a prosperous life, allowing them to confidently collaborate with the military to protect border sovereignty and security.

Here are several photos featuring the troops of Ca Xeng Border Guard Station supporting the local community.

Agricultural machinery purchased by the officers and soldiers of Ca Xeng Border Guard Station funds donated by the troops themselves and benefactors to support local agricultural production
A Ca Xeng Border Guard officer driving a tractor helping locals
Assisting farmers in Hoa Son commune in harvesting rice
Preparing seedlings to help farmers in Thuong Hoa commune for the next season

Translated by Trung Thanh