This program is more significant since it has attracted the companion of benefactors to support needy students overcome difficulties to obtain outstanding academic results. 

Non Nuoc Border Post presents gifts to children. 

In the 2023-2024 academic year, students benefited from Non Nuoc Border Post’s “Paving the way to school for children - Border posts' adopted children” program have achieved good academic results. In particular, 10th grader Le Hoang Bao Nhu from Le Quy Don High School for the Gifted won a Consolation Prize in Geography at the school-level academic competition. At the 2023-2024 academic year closing ceremony, the girl delivered a touching speech to send deep thanks to the officers and soldiers of Non Nuoc Border Post. According to Nhu, her family faces numerous difficulties since her father is the sole breadwinner to bring her and her sibling up. Learning about her situation, Non Nuoc Border Post decided to provide monthly financial support to assist her in studying. 

Assistant of the Mass Mobilization Team of the Political Division of the Da Nang municipal Border Guard Command, former Political Commissar of Non Nuoc Border Guard Lieutenant Colonel Ha Van Thoong recalled that while conducting a survey of students’ condition for the program, he was impressed by Nhu’s great efforts and determination. The girl said that she would try to pass high school entrance exam and she did it.

Phan Thi Hoai Nhi from Ngu Hanh Son High School is another student, who has received assistance from Non Nuoc Border Post and  gained high academic results. She won the first Prize in Geography at the city-level academic competition in the 2020-2021 academic year. With the obtained result, Nhi was presented with certificate of merit by the municipal border guard command in acknowledgement of her excellent academic achievement. 

To support as many students as possible, Non Nuoc Border Post has called on benefactors to accompany the program. Through dissemination channel, in 2019, Tran Thi Tuyet Hong (District 4, Ho Chi Minh City) decided to donate VND 1 million/month to the border post's fund to sponsor two students. Understanding the significance of the program, over the past five years, she has handed over a total of VND 60 million to Non Nuoc Border Post to take care of Thai Gia Bao and Cao Nguyen Thinh Phat in Ngu Hanh Son district.

Tran Thi Tuyet Hong (left) visits Cao Nguyen Thinh Phat. 

On the occasion of the 2023-2024 academic year closing ceremony, Non Nuoc Border Post presented gifts to 21 students under the “Paving the way to school for children - Border posts' adopted children” program and students in difficult circumstances in Ngu Hanh Son district. Gift packages included cakes, candies, and cash, with a total value of nearly VND 20 million. These gifts not only held material value, but also bore great spiritual significance. They have been seen as motivation for students to overcome difficulties to obtain more academic achievements.

According to Second-in-Command Officer of Non Nuoc Border Post Major Dong Dac Anh, over the past seven years, the unit has received active support from agencies, sectors, especially benefactors. Gifts have encouraged and motivated students to study harder to obtain higher academic results, thus helping building local resources and a firm people’s heart posture to firmly safeguard national sovereignty and border security.


Translated by Tran Hoai