Over the past time, the border unit has closely worked with local authorities to boost the emulation movement on mass mobilization work, and conduct law dissemination and education among local people. First Lieutenant Nguyen Van Hieu, Deputy Chief of the Mass Mobilization Team of Tam Quan Nam Border Post held that the troops always try their best to gather local fishermen to disseminate the Party’s guidelines and viewpoints, and State’s laws, including the Vietnam Border Law, Fisheries Law, and regulations on illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing prevention.

Border troops disseminate law to local fishermen.

Via the “Supporting one needy household a week” model at maritime border, so far, the Binh Dinh provincial Border Guard Command has provided assistance to 195 needy poor and near-poor families, contributed 720 working days to building and repairing houses for the poor and harvest crops, and offered gifts and rice to needy people.

On implementing the model, the unit actively called on the support of sponsors to help locals escape poverty. Nguyen Van Thua in Tam Quan Bac ward, Hoai Nhon town noted that her family was in difficult living conditions with unstable health. However, thanks to the support of the border troops, she had her kitchen repaired and received rice and food supplies. They would like to send sincere thanks to the border guards.

First Lieutenant Nguyen Trung Tin, Deputy Head of the Mass Mobilization Team of the Cat Khanh Border Post said that in order to raise the public awareness and observance of laws, Tin and his comrades thoroughly grasped the locality’s situations to understand more about locals’ living standards and map out suitable measures to implement dissemination work. Besides, “we should wholeheartedly listen to each local resident and willing to help them in their daily life,” he emphasized.

Troops helping local people repair house

Senior Colonel Phan Truong Son, Political Commissar of the Binh Dinh provincial Border Guard Command, affirmed that over the past time, the unit has actively and creatively carried out mass mobilization work via practical activities, while making recommendations to local authorities to run effective models, contributing to the local socio-economic development and poverty reduction, and changing locals’ life.

“In order to promote the synergy of the whole political system, organizations, forces and local people, build the “people’s heart” posture, and firmly protect the national sovereignty in border areas in the current context, in the time ahead, the unit will launch the mass mobilization emulation movement, implement social security activities, join hands in natural disasters’ prevention and control, among others,” added Senior Colonel Son.

Source: Baobienphong

Translated by Minh Anh