Accordingly, 500 policy beneficiaries and national contributors in the communes of Ia Mor and Ia Pio received healthcare from doctors and medical employees of Army Corps 15.

Commanders of Army Corps 15 present gifts to policy beneficiaries.

On the occasion, the unit presented 104 gifts to policy families, national contributors and needy households in the localities.

The corps planned to continue providing free health check-ups and medicines and gifts, worth VND 200 million in total to policy beneficiaries in Ia Pio commune.

Providing health check-ups for locals

Army Corps 15’s Party committees and chains of command at all levels always paid much attention to taking care of policy beneficiaries and revolutionary contributors, said Senior Colonel, the unit’s Deputy Political Chief. According to the officer, over the past years, the corps has implemented numerous gratitude activities and appropriate models to help improve living conditions for national contributors and policy beneficiaries in the area.

Translated by Song Anh