Missing victim found

On November 2, the body of a missing woman, who was swept away by floodwater on October 30, was found at Banh Ran stream in Ha Linh commune by the Military Command of Huong Khe district.

Hundreds of troops mobilized for the mission

Since the young woman was swept away by floodwater, hundreds of military and public security troops, militiamen, and locals braved heavy rain and strong floodwater flow to conduct the search along rivers and streams.

The woman’s body was then handed over to her family for burial service. Representatives of local authorities, organizations, and people inquired after and presented gifts as an encouragement to her family.

According to Political Commissar of the Military Command of Huong Khe district Colonel Nguyen Tien Dung, despite unfavorable weather conditions and shortage of personnel and vehicles, troops and militiamen of communes and towns enhanced their responsibility to conduct the search. The district’s military command made recommendations to local Party Committee and People’s Committee to build plan and mobilize forces and collaborated with local forces to respond to circumstances. 

Grateful for troops

On the morning on November 2, the Ha Tinh provincial Military Command mobilized 50 troops of Regiment 841 and 15 personnel of the Military Command of Huong Khe district to Dien My commune to assist locals in overcoming consequences of the recent flooding.


Since roads to communes and hamlets were flooded, units formed small groups of troops to come to the elderly, lonely, disadvantaged, sick people, and policy families to help clean their houses and gardens. 

Dien My is one of the localities in Huong Son district strongly affected by the recent flooding. Known as a “water bag” of Huong Khe district, the commune is easily flooded and isolated by flood water. In pro-active response to natural disasters, local people have built firm shelters, made rafts by plastic barrels to evacuate property and cattle, stored food and water. Local authorities and people have creatively and effectively upheld the “Live with flood” and “Four on-the-spot” motto in responding to natural disasters.

Troops cleaning tables 

Since the water was receding, troops of Regiment 841 promptly cleaned tables and chairs and dredged dozens-of-centimeter-thick mud. According to Sergeant Duong Van Sy from Company 4 of Battalion 2 under Regiment 841, troops woke up at 4:30a.m. and made essential preparations before heading to the scene. Although the work was hard, all troops showed their determination to complete the mission since they were aware that helping others was like helping themselves.

Like other people in the locality, wounded soldier Nguyen Duy Hung in Trung Tien hamlet, Dien My commune felt grateful for troops and militiamen who braved difficulties and dangers to help them overcome the consequences of the flooding.

Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the People’s Committee of Dien My commune Hoang Xuan Tan highly appreciated the armed forces’ disciplinary spirit and efforts and thanked them for the timely and effective assistance.

Troops doing the cleaning

Also on November 2, the Ha Tinh provincial Border Guard Command sent additional 50 troops to work with forces and youths in Ha Linh commune clean schools, cultural houses, and repaired damaged houses. 

Translated by Tran Hoai