Saving people on Da Co canal

Torrential downpours on the morning of October 17 inundated many streets like Hoang Van Thai, Me Suot and Pham Nhu Xuong in Hoa Khanh Nam ward, seriously affecting traffic situation. Even alley 161 on Me Suot street was nearly 2 meters underwater. Despite the danger, soldiers rushed to the scene to evacuate hundreds of victims, mostly women, children, and elderly, to safer places.

Torrential downpours inundate many streets in Hoa Khanh Nam ward.

Sitting on a boat of Commando Battalion 409 under Military Region 5, Mrs. Le Thi Thom (66 years old, living in alley 161 on Me Suot street) held that floodwater quickly invaded her house while she was staying at home with grandchildren. When she heard the alarm, she could just hold them to run to the second floor to wait for the rescue force. “Thanks to soldiers’ timely support, we were saved,” she shared.

Because a large number of people were isolated by floodwater at Residential quarters No.35 and 37 in Hoa Khanh Nam ward, rescuers from Commando Battalion 409 were divided into small teams, with 1-2 boats each, to relocate and save victims. For example, rescue team headed by Sergeant Nguyen Tan Tinh from the battalion evacuated nearly 100 residents to safe areas.

Troops of the Military Command of Lien Chieu ward evacuating locals
Militiamen in Hoa Khanh Nam ward moving locals out of flooded areas

Colonel Nguyen Xuan Be, Second-in-command and Chief of the Staff of the Lien Chieu ward Military Command, held that they saved thousands of people within only the morning of October 17. At present, shelters set up by military units are providing enough food and accommodation for local flood-hit victims. 

Bravely fighting fire to save people

After fixing their furniture for a whole night, at the crack of dawn of October 17, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Phuong and his wife (at Residential quarter No.68, Hoa Khanh Nam ward) went out to check their coffee shop, around 2km from home. However, their neighbor urgently called to inform that their house caught fire. At that time, their son was sleeping inside the house.

Immediately, they rushed to their house. As the road was flooded, they had to try their best to overcome the flooding to reach their home. Fortunately, his son was safe while the fire was stamped out by troops and public security force of Hoa Khanh Nam ward. Mr. Phuong sent his sincere thanks to the troops.

Forces clearing Da Co canal

It is forecast that in the coming days, weather conditions in Da Nang city are still getting complicated. Knowing that taking part in the prevention and control of natural disaster is their mission in peace time, troops stationed in the city are all ready to rescue, support and protect local residents.

Translated by Minh Anh