Many modern weapons and technical equipment have been successfully researched and developed domestically, instead of purchasing overseas like in the past.

In recent years, the promotion of scientific research has resulted in the production of many products to serve the military, improved capacity in science and technology research, mastery of hi-tech complexes of weapons and technical equipment.

Factory Z115's workers exchange experience. 

The achievements of the defense industry sector are greatly attributable to the contribution of the sector’s personnel, mostly under the management of the General Department of Defense Industry (GDDI).

The GDDI has mastered the design and technology of manufacturing weapons and technical equipment for infantry divisions; partly met requirements of the Artillery and Armored Corps; initially researched and produced some for the Navy, and the Air Defense - Air Force Service. It is building up technical and technological potential towards mastering the research and production of new weapons and technical equipment for the army, naval and air forces.

Over the past 10 years, 85 percent of the sector’s science and technology research projects have been applied to reality. Main weapons and technical equipment include infantry guns and ammunition; anti-tank guns and ammunition; guns and mortars; anti-aircraft artillery shells, naval artillery shells; military ships, auxiliary ships; optical equipment, technical supplies, to name but a few. Notably, among them, less than 20% of the products have been made under technology transfer from abroad. The localization rate of most products in terms of technology has reached over 80%, many reaching over 90%.

However, there are still some shortcomings in science and technology research and defense production. For example, the number of successfully researched and tested products put into mass production is not high; some technology lines are old, outdated, and unable to meet requirements on precision and high scientific content; the connection between research institutes and production units in research and product testing is not tight; and the financial resources for science and technology research are limited.

Therefore, to build a revolutionary, standardized, elite, gradually-modernized military and strive to build a modernized military by 2030, the requirement for the defense industry sector is ever higher. The sector must be capable of research and production of weapons and technical equipment to serve the modernization of the military.

A draft law on Defense and Security Industry, and Industrial Mobilization has been made under the direction of the Ministry of National Defense. This bill will be considered and passed by the 15th National Assembly at its seventh session.

Once approved, it will be a legal corridor for the defense industry to develop, the basis for the research and application of science and technology in defense production to have new and steady development steps so that more cutting-edge technologies will be mastered, more weapons and technical equipment will be manufactured to meet the modernized-military-building requirement.

To do that, key science and technology programs and projects assigned by the Ministry of National Defense must be fulfilled. More proposals on new science and technology programs, projects and tasks must be made. In addition, the master of core technology, the increase in localization of defense industry products and the development of spearhead fields must be sped up.

Together with building plans and strategies for science and technology research and innovation, the fostering and use of high quality human resources should be paid due attention to. Priority should also be given to the training in specific technical and technological fields, such as design, manufacturing, and improvement of technical equipment; design and manufacture of missiles, guided weapons, shipbuilding, military vehicles, among others.

The cooperation at home and abroad in applied research, technology transfer and training of high-quality human resources should be expanded as well.

Translated by Mai Huong