Over the past two years, the Ministry of National Defense (MND) made and submitted proposals to the Prime Minister for issuing a plan to implement the Government’s Decree No. 81/2019/ND-CP on prevention and control of weapons of mass destruction proliferation. Meanwhile, the MND issued documents on the implementation of the Government’s decree in the military. In addition, relevant forces also published instructions to ministries, cities and provinces on the decree’s promulgation.

Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong at the event

Speaking at the event, General Luong hailed the close coordination among relevant organs and agencies although weapons of mass destruction proliferation prevention is considered a new field. The standing organ has performed well its State management function on the prevention and control of weapons of mass destruction and effectively implemented dissemination activities as well as improved the capacity of forces involved in the prevention and combat of weapons of mass destruction.

In the coming time, it is necessary to continue embracing and promoting dissemination work on Decree No.81/2019/ND-CP as well as information and documents related to the field while beefing up coordination among relevant forces.

Scene of the conference

On this occasion, the portal on preventing and controlling the weapons of mass destruction proliferation was officially launched.

Translated by Minh Anh