PANO – General Phung Quang Thanh, Politburo member and Defence Minister, confirmed the event during his visit to the Army Radio-Television Centre to check preparations for the debut of Vietnam’s Defence Television channel on May 16th.

He said that Vietnam’s Defence Television channel should provide comprehensive information of army activities to help people learn more about the ability of the Vietnam people’s armed forces to protect the nation and socialism.

At the working session, Colonel Nguyen Hoai Nam, Director of the Army Radio-Television Centre, briefed the Defence Minister on the preparations.

Reportedly, 20% of cadres of the channel are professionals, while the remainder were also trained by experts from Vietnam Radio-Television and the Viettel Television Centre, under the Vietnam Military Telecommunications Group (Viettel). Television equipment has been also installed and is ready for operation.

The channel, including about 40 major programs, is scheduled to broadcast 18.5 hours a day, from 5:30 am to 12:00 pm.

General Thanh praised the efforts of the centre’s cadres and relevant units for their preparations for the debut, and affirmed that the channel is operational.

The Minister also asked the centre to focus on promoting the quality of cadres, staff and technicians for development of the channel to help people learn more about and have confidence in the ability of Vietnam people’s armed forces to protect the nation, socialism and people’s life.

He added that the Vietnam’s defence television should broadcast coverage of the army’s power and combat readiness, as well as the political firmness, loyalty, solidarity and readiness of Vietnamese troops to help people in areas hit by storms or floods.  

Besides, the channel should also disseminate the activities of international cooperation and external defence affairs, as well as sacrifices and contributions of former generations to arouse young generation’s love for and pride in the nation.

Translated by Tran Hoai