PANO - These days, in order to provide an eventful and healthy Lunar New Year or Tet festival for soldiers and cadets, the Army Officers Training School No.1 has been holding various cultural and sporting activities, themed “Welcoming the Party, welcoming spring”.

These meaningful activities, including contest of Banh Chung making (a square traditional Vietnamese cake made of glutinous rice, green bean and pork) contest, taking and answering funny questions on the New Year’s Eve, badminton, volleyball, mini football competitions and other folk games, aimed to help soldiers and cadets preserve the traditional Lunar New Year of the Vietnamese people and fulfill their assigned missions.

Below are a number of images at the school.
Nem Con or Con throwing (a traditional game in which people throw cloth balls through a bamboo ring hung on a tree)
Blindfold game
Tug of war
Troops encouraging contestants
Translated by Hong Thanh