The structure covers an area of 50 sq.m and is nearly 2m high, including the height of the pedestal, and nearly 1 m wide.

The construction of this work was started in early April this year with the total investment of nearly VND 100 million which was extracted from the unit’s farming production fund, contributed by individuals and groups in and outside the province.

Representatives of the Ha Tinh provincial Border Guard Command, Huong Khe district authorities cutting the ribbon to inaugurate the monument

The bust “Uncle Ho and border guards” is adapted by the sculpture “Following the nation” by Vu Trong Khoi featuring Uncle Ho caringly asking the border guard to show high determination to defend the country while the border guard attentively listening to each word of the state leader.

This is a significant structure to help educate troops about the national tradition. It is also an address for border guards and local people to report their achievements to Uncle Ho.

The work also reminds each border guard officer and soldier about promoting solidarity, determination to overcome all difficulties to firmly safeguard the nation’s territorial sovereignty and border security, uphold local political security, social order and safety as well as build a border of peace, friendship, cooperation and development.

Source: baobienphong

Translated by Mai Huong