Secretary of the Da Nang city Party’s Committee Nguyen Xuan Anh (C) handing over the title to the two former military personnel

PANO - The Party Organization and the People’s Committee of Da Nang City on November 24th announced the State President’s decision to confer the title of Hero of the People’s Armed Forces on former military personnel Nguyen Thanh Thuy and Le Trung Nuoi, in recognition of their great contributions to the nation.

Born in 1930, comrade Nguyen Thanh Thuy is a Yen Ne villager of Hoa Tien commune, Hoa Vang district. He used to be the commissar of Commando Company H29 of the Quang Nam-Da Nang provincial army section. Over more than 30 years of the struggle for national salvation, he achieved many feats of arms and received many noble orders, including the third-class Military Feat Order, the first-class Anti-American Resistance War Order. He was also titled Valiant Man for fighting against American imperialists and destroying motorized vehicles.

As a native of Cam Toai village, Hoa Phong commune, Hoa Vang district, 65-year-old comrade Le Trung Nuoi is the former head of Commando Platoon of Company 84 of Hoa Vang district armed forces. He was a local guerilla at the age of 15. In different units, he always tried his best to accomplish his assigned tasks. Specially, at dawn on May 12th 1969, he directly fired two Hawks, the medium-range surface-to-air guided missile, at a fuel depot, and killed 20 enemies on Phuoc Tuong Mountain.

Translated by Ha Thanh