Division 305 was established on August 30, 1954, with the core being several major regiments and battalions which were relocated to the northern region from the battlefields in the North Central Highlands and mid-central regions. On the Central Highlands and Pleiku battlefields, the division achieved many important victories. In July 1954, the division was moved to the north. On February 8, 1961, Division 305 was transformed into a parachute brigade.

President To Lam presents a photo of President Ho Chi Minh to 96-year-old Major General Vo So, head of the liaison board of veterans of the Parachute-Commando Division 305.

To date, 104 collectives and 231 individuals of the special force have been awarded with the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces.

President Lam emphasized that under the leadership of the Party, State, and Government, with the unity and efforts of all sectors, ministries, and the entire nation, the country has taken strong development strides, and risen to new heights as it stands today. The country's independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity have been firmly maintained, national defense and security strengthened, and the fight against corruption and negative phenomena has achieved significant results.

However, the nation still faces numerous difficulties and challenges, with hostile and reactionary forces attempting to promote "peace evolution," and "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" internally, along with increasingly intertwined and complex traditional and non-traditional security challenges.

The State leader expressed his hope that veterans of the division continue to be exemplary to their families and relatives, and actively participate in building a stable and strong local political base, and a rich and beautiful homeland.

He asked the liaison board to organize activities to support the families of martyrs and war invalids or veterans living in difficult circumstances.

The President also requested the Ministry of National Defense and the Vietnam Veterans’ Association to take better care of Division 305’s veterans, and encourage them to actively participate in production and business activities.

Source: VNA