The State leader highly valued the soldiers and officers’ training and combat readiness.

He expressed his pride in the 56-year history of the Commando Corps, which brought into play its particular wisdom, bravery, solidarity, creativity, and unique military art and weathered every hardship to make brilliant feats-of-arms to join the entire country in liberating and reunifying the nation.

In the period of national construction and defense, the Commando Corps has shown good performance in advising the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense about the development of the force, fulfilled its function as the army’s leading counter-terrorism unit, paid due attention to the Party building, increasingly improved the training quality and combat readiness, and properly carried out defense diplomacy, he said.

President Vo Van Thuong talks with the Commando Corps' soldiers and officers. (Photo:

Pointing out higher national safeguarding requirements and complex developments in the world, President Vo Van Thuong emphasized the request that the Commando Corps stay ready to respond to any circumstances with the best possible results.

He ordered the building of the force with particularly firm political mettle and particularly high will that is particularly trusted, absolutely loyal to the Party, the Fatherland and the people, and ready to take and fulfill tasks in every circumstance.

Aside from training, the Commando Corps also needs to step up the building of a clean and strong Party organization, enhance coordination with the border guards, coast guards, and police, along with related agencies and units to guarantee the combat readiness to fight “peace evolution,” terrorism and subversive riots, deal with complicated situations in a timely and effective manner, and actively respond to all circumstances, he continued.

The President also demanded the Commando Corps boost the solidarity with the people, coordinate with authorities to encourage people to comply with the Party’s guidelines and the State’s policies and laws, and assist people in poverty elimination, economic, cultural and social development, as well as natural disaster response.

He expressed his belief that the Commando Corps will make even greater feats of arms and become comprehensively strong to deserve its status as a particularly elite and faithful combative force of the Party, State, military, and people.

Source: VNA