In his address, President Lam hailed the ADAF for affirming its pivotal role in the VPA, upholding its glorious tradition and embodying the spirit of "Uncle Ho's soldiers" with the motto "Dare to fight, determined to fight, and determined to win.”

The ADAF was also praised for actively and effectively following the Party's directives and stance on national defense and security, especially those outlined in the 13th National Party Congress's Resolution.

During the reception for President To Lam

To effectively fulfil duties in the new context, the President urged the ADAF to continue seriously and effectively following the resolutions of the 13th National Party Congress, the Politburo and the Central Military Commission, aimed at building an elite, compact and strong military. He emphasized the need to thoroughly grasp and effectively realize the Resolution on national protection strategy in the new context formulated by the eighth plenum of the 13th Party Central Committee.

Delegates in a joint photo

The focus should be on enhancing the comprehensive leadership capacity and combat strength of the Service's Party Organization, ensuring it is strong in political, ideological, ethical, organizational, and personnel aspects, he said, calling for resolute action against corruption, negative phenomena, and signs of degradation, "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" within the ranks.

In addition to its core duties, the President encouraged the ADAF to actively engage in poverty reduction, disaster prevention, and rescue efforts while bolstering defense diplomacy to contribute to securing weapons and equipment for national defense tasks.

Lt. Gen. Tran Ngoc Quyen, Secretary of the ADAF’s Party Committee and Political Commissar, vowed that the ADAF troops, regardless of circumstances, will remain united, overcome difficulties, and fulfill all assigned duties, living up to their role as a core force in the mission of firmly defending the nation's skies.

On the occasion, the President offered incense at the Ho Chi Minh Memorial House and the Monument to the ADAF Heroes and Martyrs. He planted a commemorative tree in the ADAF campus.

Source: VNA