Present at the event were Lieutenant General Do Can, Deputy Director of the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People’s Army, and Major General Pham Hong Chuong, Commander of Military Region 2.

Major General Pham Hong Chuong, Commander of Military Region 2, speaks at the launching ceremony of the exercise.

Addressing the event, General Chuong underscored that the exercise holds a significant meaning, aiming to evaluate commanding capabilities and making recommendations to higher levels in line with  the Politburo's Resolution 28-NQ/TW and Decree No.152 of the Government on building firm defensive areas.

The exercise also aims to raise troops' and military forces’ awareness of implementing local military and defense missions, while building a strong whole-people defense and people's security posture in the locality.

The drill is scheduled to take place from Oct 14 to 16 in three stages: Shifting the armed forces to a higher combat readiness posture, shifting the locality to the national defense posture, and preparing and conducting defensive operations.

Translated by Khanh Ngan