An overview of the ceremony
VNDPKO leaders, delegates and members of the two units pay tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum.

During the event, which was held by the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations (VNDPKO), VNDPKO’s Director Major General Pham Manh Thang reported the outcomes in preparing for the deployment of the Engineering Company Rotation 3 and L2FH Rotation 6 to U.N. Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) and the U.N. Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

VNDPKO’s Director Major General Pham Manh Thang reports the outcomes in preparing for the deployment of the two units.

On behalf of members of both units, the commanding officers of the Engineering Company Rotation 3 and L2FH Rotation 6 pledged to maintain their firm political stance; uphold internal unity; overcome all difficulties to excellently complete all tasks entrusted by the Party, State, and military; continue to spread the noble qualities of Uncle Ho's soldiers in the new period by practical actions. 

* The same day in Hanoi, Deputy Chief of the General Staff Lieutenant General Pham Truong Son chaired the hand-over ceremony of L2FH Rotation 6 between the Military Medical University and the VNDPKO.

At the hand-over ceremony of L2FH Rotation 6 between the Military Medical University and the VNDPKO

Speaking at the event, Gen. Son said that the hand-over of the L2FH Rotation 6 to the VNDPKO is the legal basis for the department and related agencies and units to proceed with subsequent tasks and finalize preparations for the hospital's deployment to South Sudan on September 24.

He asked the L2FH Rotation 6 to continue thorough preparations for their deployment to South Sudan; bring into play Vietnamese level-2 field hospitals’ achievements to fulfill tasks assigned by the U.N. and the Ministry of National Defense, contributing to enhancing the reputation and image of Uncle Ho's soldiers in the eyes of international friends. He wished all personnel of the hospital good health and task accomplishment. 

Lt. Gen. Pham Truong Son talks with the L2FH Rotation 6's staff.

Since April 2024, the Military Medical University has coordinated with the Ministry of National Defense's functional agencies to receive and manage members of the L2FH, provide training on medical expertise for the hospital's staff and enhance their political, military, logistics, and technical knowledge and English skills.

Translated by Tran Hoai