PANO - General Ngo Xuan Lich, Director of the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People's Army chaired a conference on December 23rd to review the military information operations in protecting the Party's ideological ”battlefield” in the army in 2015 and deploy the new plans for information dissemination  on the 12th National Party Congress.

At the conference, delegates agreed that the army has always been seen as a pioneer force in the ideological and cultural battlefield. Units across the army have always followed the Central Party Committee's resolutions and directions to well organize political training courses and actively spread information about the Party's congress to all officers and soldiers. 

General Ngo Xuan Lich presenting certificates to outstanding individuals.

Meanwhile, the defence press agencies collaborated closely with other functional organizations to open special columns on their publications to fight wrong information and opinions and sabotage schemes posted by hostile forces on the internet.

All uniform people were seen to keep strong political stance and belief on the Party's leadership while executing their assigned missions.

At the event, delegates also discussed and consented a number of solutions to boost the army's information in 2016. Competent agencies and units should well study situations to provide good and exact forecasts on time for the Defence Ministry and Central Military Commission so as to prevent “self-transformation” in units and the army as a whole and deny any contingencies or passive and surprising positions.

The whole army was urged to continue promote political education for troops, the "Learning and following President Ho Chi Minh's moral example" movement and other movements, contributing to building strong Party organizations and comprehensively strong units.

Translated by Anh Tien