General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong worked with Naval Region 4, visited and encouraged troops of Brigade 189, Naval Air Brigade 954, Cam Ranh Base Urban Area and Cam Ranh International Port. He also visited Truong Sa Kindergarten, and Le Hoai Thuong’s family - a teacher at the kindergarten whose husband is working at Truong Sa island district, Khanh Hoa province.

Talking with Naval Region 4’s troops, the General Secretary acknowledged and hailed the outstanding achievements of the naval region and naval units stationed in Cam Ranh military base. He also expressed his belief in the firm political stance and high determination of troops in protecting national sovereignty over sea and islands.

The Party chief underlined that according to the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, we shall bring into play the synergy of the whole nation and political system in combination with the strength of the time; maximize support from the international community; persistently fight to firmly protect national independence, sovereignty, unification, and territorial integrity, safeguarding the Party, the State, the People, and the socialist political system; and preserve a peaceful, stable environment for development.

It is considered a heavy task, requiring the whole Party, people and military to make efforts to bring into play the synergy of the whole nation and political system. Internal force is the decisive factor, in which building a politically-, ideologically-, organizationally- and morally-strong military is a top mission.

The beloved Party chief once stressed that the Vietnam People’s Army, a revolutionary military under the leadership of the Party, is determined to defend the Fatherland, uphold peace, and ensure a comfortable and happy life for the people; and is determined to fight and win any enemies when requested. The Party, State and people always take special care of building the military in general and the VPN in particular.

At the same time, the Party General Secretary requested the VPN to further grasp and seriously roll out guidelines and directions of the Party and laws of the State on defense-security affairs, especially the Resolution of the 8th Party Central Committee (11th tenure) on “Fatherland Protection Strategy in the New Situation”; and strive to implement the Resolutions of the 12th National Party Congress and the 10th Military Party Congress.

The VPN should actively and pro-actively join hands with local authorities to strengthen the whole-people national defense disposition in connection with the people’s security posture at sea, and be ready in any circumstances.

The Party General Secretary believed that the VPN will uphold traditions of the Party, country, and VPA to further contribute to building and protecting the socialist Vietnam.

Below are a number of photos featuring General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and naval troops.

In 2010, as the National Assembly Chairman, comrade Nguyen Phu Trong presents the Golden Star Order for the second time to the VPN on its 55th foundation anniversary (May 7, 1955-2010).
In 2013, Ship 266 of Flotilla 4, Naval Region 1 (now Ship 266, Flotilla 135, Brigade 170, Naval Region 1) honorably accompanies Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong during his visit to Van Don special economic zone in Quang Ninh province.
In 2016, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong pays a working visit to naval units stationed in the Cam Ranh military base, Khanh Hoa province.
Troops of Submarine Brigade 189 present a bottle of deep sea water to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in 2016.
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong talking with troops of  Submarine Ly Thai To in 2016
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong encouraging troops of Brigade 954 of the VPN in 2016
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong sitting in the cockpit of a seaplane of Brigade 954 in 2016
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong grants gifts to children at Truong Sa (Spratly) Kindergarten in 2016.
Officers and soldiers on the Truong Sa (Spratly) Islands studying a book by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in 2023

Translated by Minh Anh