Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong was a dedicated and visionary leader who had rich practical knowledge, far-reaching perspectives across various fields, profound and outstanding theoretical thinking, scientific leadership methods, resolute direction, and commitment to matching words with actions. He was the beloved Commander-in-Chief of the people who led a modest lifestyle, was close to compatriots, comrades, colleagues, and subordinates. All of these qualities contributed to shaping the character and personality of a steadfast, intelligent, reputable, and outstanding leader of our Party, State, people, and military.

Throughout his life and revolutionary career, the Party chief served as a typical and shining example of courage, revolutionary fervor, and impeccable morality. He was not only cherished and esteemed by people and soldiers but also highly respected by many leaders and people around the world. During nearly 60 years of continuous and tireless revolutionary activities, Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong wholeheartedly dedicated himself and made significant contribution to the Party and the nation in all fields.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong speaks at the fourth session of the CMC in the 2020-2025 tenure.

Holding key leadership positions, Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong was the center and nucleus of unity, consensus, and intellectual prowess for the entire Party, the people, and the military, thus building our increasingly healthy and strong Party “both ethically and civilizationally.” He, together with the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat, and the National Assembly, led the country to surmount all difficulties and challenges, achieving significant and historic outcomes. “Never before has our country enjoyed such a fortune, strength, international position, and prestige as today.”

In his capacity as the Party General Secretary and Secretary of the Central Military Commission (CMC), Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong used to be close to and show profound and warm affection for officers, soldiers, and militia force. The Party leader gave strategic direction and greatly contributed to the military building, defense consolidation, and Fatherland protection.

With his intelligence, strategic vision, and sharp thinking, Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong greatly contributed to the construction and successful implementation of the Fatherland protection strategy in the new situation, as well as the Party's guidelines and the State's legal system on the military and defense affairs. 

As from 2011, as the Party General Secretary, Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong directed the development, promulgation, and implementation of the Resolution of the 8th Plenum of the Party Central Committee (11th and 12th tenure) on the Fatherland Protection Strategy in the new situation in a scientific, accurate, and effective fashion. Under the direction of the Party General Secretary, the Fatherland Protection Strategy in the new situation has been concretized in socio-economic development guidelines, policies, plans, projects, and programs and in various specific strategies such as the National Defense Strategy, Vietnam's Military Strategy, Strategy of Safeguarding the Fatherland on cyberspace, National Border Defense Strategy, National Security Strategy, and in resolutions, directives, and conclusions of the Politburo and CMC in each field and aspect of work. These major guidelines serve as lodestar for us to successfully fulfill the regular crucial task of safeguarding the nation in the new context, amid the multidimensional impacts of the complex and unpredictable global and regional situations.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

In response to the requirements of the revolutionary cause in the new period, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong attached much importance the building of an elite, compact, strong, and modernized military that is truly "trustworthy and pure," deserving to be a combat force, a working force, and a production force; playing a core role in building the whole people's defense, the people's defense posture and the people's security posture; "pro-active in advising the Party and State on national defense and security, accurately assessing and forecasting the situation, flexibly and effectively handling circumstances in a timely manner, especially in safeguarding national sovereignty over sea and islands and territorial integrity; well implementing defense diplomacy, contributing to creating a peaceful and stable environment for the country's construction and development. He also requested to boost the people's heart posture, promote the strength of national unity, build firm defensive areas at all levels, and enhance the country's defense capabilities and strength. These are crucial and strategic contents that contribute to the development and improvement of the military path and national defense strategy to meet the requirements of protecting the Fatherland in the short and long term.

His also raised new and critical practical issues for delegates to discuss and issue suitable and effective guidelines and solutions to build the military to better meet the requirements of missions, maintain its revolutionary nature and qualities of Uncle Ho’s soldiers, and live up to the trust of the Party, the State, and the people. He used to say, "The most precious thing for a person is life and the honor of living because we only live once. Live so as not to regret wasted years or be ashamed of mean and cowardly actions that earn the people's contempt.” He desired that the military that is good must strive to be better, continuously do utmost to achieve higher results in task implementation compared to the previous year; the Military Party Organization must serve as an exemplary model for the entire Party. Although weaknesses of some collectives and individuals were like “The rotten apple harms its neighbors,” he worried and requested party committees and chains-of-commands at all levels in the military to address. 

On July 8, 2024, at the CMC’s 10th Conference (2020-2025 term), the Party chief summarized the orientation as “Five Determination's and “Five Pro-activeness's” so that it is easy to understand, remember, and implement. Despite his health condition, the General Secretary's sense of responsibility, deep concern, and special affection for the military deeply impressed and moved the delegates attending the conference and troops in the whole military.

The concern and sound and insightful leadership and direction of the Party General Secretary and other Party and State leaders have motivated our military to strive and successfully fulfill assigned tasks, with many outstanding achievements. Troops in the whole military felt inspired and proud to be acknowledged and praised multiple times by the Party General Secretary and CMC’s Secretary. He said that, in any circumstances, troops in the whole military always show their unwavering determination, unity, and resilience in overcoming difficulties to fulfill all assigned missions. They give strategic advice on defense and security to the Party and State to promptly and effectively handle circumstances, especially during sensitive and complex periods in a timely manner. This is precious because “keeping peace at home and with other countries” in the context of current strategic competition among major powers is something that not everyone can. 

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong attends the fifth session of the CMC in the 2020-2025 tenure.

Although Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong passed away, he left behind invaluable legacy, especially as the shining example of revolutionary ethics, a "bright torch" that burned wholeheartedly for the people and the country. Thanks to his strategic thinking and profound understanding in all fields and drastic direction, outstanding achievements have been recorded in all fields. For our military, the Party General Secretary and CMC’s Secretary left behind deep sentiments and invaluable advice, direction, erudite theoretical thinking, and creative ideas on military strategy and defense policies for the military building, defense consolidation, and Fatherland protection. 

Profoundly saddened by the passing of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, The entire military would thoroughly and fully grasp and strictly implement the Party's guidelines and the direction of the Party General Secretary and CMC’s Secretary regarding military and defense tasks, making breakthroughs and endeavoring to successfully accomplish all assigned tasks.

General Phan Van Giang, Politburo member, Vice Secretary of the Central Military Commission, Minister of National Defense

Translated by Tran Hoai