PANO - A delegation of the Ministry of National Defense, headed by its Minister Gen. Phung Quang Thanh paid a working visit to Naval Brigade 126 and the Navy Command on April 6th. General Ngo Xuan Lich, Director of the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People's Army (VPA), joined the delegation.

After inspecting Naval Brigade 126, the delegation worked with the service's party committee and commanders. At the working session, Rear Admiral Pham Hoai Nam, Commander of the Navy, briefed delegates on the unit's task performance in the past. Accordingly, the naval service actively studied and thoroughly grasped all situations to promptly provide advices for the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense to deal with all emergent issues at sea.

General Phung Quang Thanh encouraging naval troops

In addition, they managed to handle new weapons and equipment well to protect strategic positions and economic operations offshore, contributing to firmly defending the national sovereignty and interests, as well as maintaining peace and stability over the national sea and islands and in the continental shelf area.

Speaking at the event, General Thanh praised the service's achievements over the past time and laid stress on their upcoming missions in the time to come. He urged them to continue improving political and ideological education for their troops - so that they can deal with all situations and cope with emergent issues at sea in any circumstances that arise.

He also noted that they should enhance the quality of physical and technical training for their troops to effectively manage newly assigned weapons and  join search and rescue missions, contributing to ensuring a peaceful and stable environment for the country's economic development.

Translated by Trung Thanh