During the event, the representative of the working group reported on the results of its task implementation on Sin Cowe East Island in the 2023-2024 period. During the period, the working group received due attention and timely directions from the Board of Directors and departments in the hospital. Meanwhile, the group’s members always showed a high sense of solidarity, enthusiasm, and responsibility for the mission.

The working group presents gifts from Truong Sa to leaders of the hospital.

Regarding the result of the tasks, the group regularly disseminated information about hygiene for troops to raise their awareness of observing and engaging in the health protection hygiene movements; pro-actively organized and inspected pandemic prevention and hygiene work on the island and in working and training activities. Additionally, they gave timely advice to the island's Party Committee and Chain-of-command to effectively prevent pandemic.

The working group performing missions on Sin Cowe East Island of Truong Sa Archipelago

Apart from health care, the group organized training activities for the infirmary’s staff to raise their expertise and focused on equipping troops on islands with knowledge related to medical general practice, health protection and hygiene, especially five emergency techniques, among others.

At the meeting, Military Hospital 354 praised the obtained outcomes of the working group, particularly ensuring absolute safety during health examination and treatment. The hospital also highly appreciated the great efforts of the group in overcoming difficulties to accomplish all assigned missions.

Translated by Song Anh