Grasping the directives and resolutions of higher levels on continuing to innovate emulation and commendation work, the Party Committee and Military Command of Ha Tinh province have focused on the leadership and direction of innovating of contents and forms to enhance the quality and efficiency of emulation and commendation work and the “Determined-to-win” movement.

Leaders of Ha Tinh provincial Military Command check weapons and equipment.

The Party Committee and the provincial armed forces have defined the most important and consistent target in the organization of the “Determined-to-win” movement as building a healthy and politically-, ideologically-, morally-, and organizationally-strong Provincial Military Party Organization and affiliated party organizations. Therefore, Party committees and Party organizations at all levels have concentrated on synchronously implementing Party building, closely combining “Promoting learning and following President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and lifestyle” with the implementation of the Party Central Committee’s Resolution No.4 on Party building and Resolution No.847-NQ/QUTW dated December 28, 2021, of the Central Military Commission on promoting the virtues of Uncle Ho's soldiers, resolutely combating individualism in the new situation, among others.

Meanwhile, the provincial armed forces have pro-actively followed and forecast the situational developments, give recommendations to higher levels to strengthen and consolidate national defense and security, and build a firm defensive area.

Research on initiatives and technical improvements for training and combat readiness tasks has received much attention. Military units well organized defensive area exercises at all levels in 2023 and coordinated to effectively conduct military recruitment and enrollment drives. Defense external affairs have been maintained and enhanced.

Agencies and units have carried out a number of practical activities, emulation movements and campaigns, obtaining remarkable results and receiving high appreciation from the local authorities and people.

Over the past five years, the provincial armed forces have mobilized troops and vehicles to participate in natural disaster and forest fire prevention and control, search and rescue operations, and building of new-style rural areas in 87 communes of 12 districts, cities and townlets.

The armed forces have presented 3,594 gifts to policy beneficiaries and needy people; handed over 13 houses to troops of the standing militia force, 22 houses to self-defense force, 16 houses to national contributors; and granted 13 savings books to policy beneficiaries.

Implementing the “Determined-to-win” movement in the 2019-2024 period, the Ha Tinh provincial armed forces have successfully accomplished political tasks and received the emulation flags of the Ministry of National Defense and the provincial People’s Committee.

In the time to come, amid the higher task requirements, the province’s armed forces would further promote emulation activities and address the limitations to create the driving force for collectives and individuals to achieve higher outcomes, making contribution to building the comprehensively-strong, “typical and exemplary” armed forces and fulfilling all assigned missions.

Senior Colonel Vo Quang Thien, Political Commissar of the Ha Tinh provincial Military Command

Translated by Quynh Oanh