Earlier, after COVID-19 cases were confirmed, under the instruction of the provincial People’s Committee, the Army Corps 3 Command formed a 21-member team, led by Chief of Chemical Department of Army Corps 3 Senior Colonel Nguyen Van Khi, to conduct sterilization to prevent SARS-CoV-2 from spreading in the province.

Gia Lai’s localities sterilized after discovering new COVID-19 cases

Particularly, chemical troops from Chemical Battalion 21 and Preventive Medicine Team equipped with specialized vehicles sprayed disinfectant at places in Ayun Pa town and Ia Pa district, including the Headquarter of the Military Command of Ia Pa district, medical centers, quarantine areas, the headquarters of Ia Pa district’s People’s Committee, Cheo Reo ward, and Binh Loi markets.

At present, relevant agencies of Gia Lai province are cooperating with Central Highlands Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology to trace and take samples from F1 and F2 cases for COVID-testing.

The provincial Department of Health also asked those, who had close contact to confirmed COVID-19 cases or were at venues where infectious cases were present, to call the COVID-19 hotlines.

Translated by Tran Hoai