Fifty five years ago, on March 19, 1967, President Ho Chi Minh, Prime Minister Pham Van Dong, and General Vo Nguyen Giap visited and reviewed troops demonstrating techno-tactical combat skills for special operations, and announced the decision on the establishment of the Commando Corps.

Delegates cutting the ribbon to open the exhibition

The establishment of the corps resulted from highly-developed people's and guerrilla warfare. It inherited and developed the nation's unique combat tactics and art of war of "utilizing all power of small force to defeat the much more powerful ones" to a new level under the Party's combat guideline.

Over the past 55 years, the Commando Corps has constantly developed and completed its tasks in the fight for national liberation and border protection, and fulfilled international duties, making significant contribution to the construction and defense cause of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

The exhibition is divided into two parts. The first part displays images, artifacts, and documents on the corps’ development, feats-of-arms in wartime and achievements in peacetime.

The second part features books and newspapers divided into the five topics of the Party, President Ho Chi Minh and the armed forces and Commando Corps, Vietnam People's Army in the two resistance wars, the commando force’s traditions in the cause of national construction and defense, works on war and troops, and entries winning high prizes at the contests on the knowledge of the Commando Corps held in celebration of the 50th and 55th founding anniversary of corps.

Visitors to the exhibition

According to Senior Colonel Nguyen Quoc Duan, Political Chief of the Commando Corps, the exhibition with systematic display of over 1,000 books from the corps’ library and numerous images, documents, and artifacts from the corps' museum will help officers and soldiers understand more about the glorious Party, great Uncle Ho, the military, and heroic Commando Corps.

Colonel Duan hoped that the exhibition will help arouse pride, patriotism, and determination to fight and to win of the commando force, contributing to spreading the reading habit and learning movement among officers and soldiers of the corps, and encourage them to pay respect for and promote the force’s heroic traditions in the cause of Fatherland construction and defense, thereby building a revolutionary, regular, elite, and gradually-modernized corps.

The exhibition will last until March 25.

Translated by Ha Phuong