Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Trong Nghia (standing on the right) handing over lunar New Year gifts to the unit

General Nghia made the commendation during a visit from a mission from the Central Military Commission and Ministry of National Defense to the division on February 2.

At the visit, the delegation was briefed on the unit’s task performance in 2020 and this year’s major missions.

Last year, the division led its affiliates to accomplish all of its assigned missions while maintaining duty regulations at all levels. It also worked closely with local Party committees and authorities to keep a close watch on situational developments to ensure political security, social order and safety.

In addition, its successful direction over Party congresses at all levels in the 2020-25 period were highly appreciated by Military Region 4’s leaders.

Furthermore, the division did good mass mobilization work. Specifically, nearly 7,000 troops were mobilized to support locals in overcoming natural disasters and carry out search and rescue missions.

In 2020, the unit effectively implemented COVID-19 prevention and control and received and quarantined Vietnamese citizens returning from abroad with absolute safety.

Regarding this year’s missions, General Nghia asked the division to continue to carry out political and ideological education for troops and embrace resolutions adopted at the 13th National Party Congress. The division was also urged to pay due attention to improving the quality of training, raising combat readiness, boosting force regularity-building, and following developments in the locality to avoid being put in a passive position in any circumstances.

On this occasion, General Nghia handed over lunar New Year gifts on behalf of the Central Military Commission and Ministry of National Defense to Division 968’s troops.

Translated by Mai Huong