The seminar was co-chaired by the PAN’s Deputy Editor-in-Chief Senior Colonel Tran Anh Tuan, and Head of the Military Youth Advisory Board Colonel Tran Viet Nang.

Accordingly, 28 reports were sent to the seminar.

Colonel Nang noted that discipline is considered tradition and strength of the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) to accomplish all assigned missions.

During the seminar

In order to build the VPA into a revolutionary, regular, elite, gradually modern military, and firmly protect national sovereignty in any circumstances, discipline observance and regularity building are urgent requirements in the current context. The task becomes the responsibility of the whole military, in which, military youths play a pioneering role.

In fact, over the past years, military youths have well performed the work; however, a few troops have not promptly observed military discipline.

Therefore, the seminar was held to evaluate current situation so as to map out solutions to promote the pioneering role of military youths in discipline observance and regularity building with absolute safety, contributing to building the VPA into a revolutionary, regular, elite, gradually modern military, firmly protecting the national sovereignty in any circumstances as well as beautifying the images of Uncle Ho’s soldiers in the current context.

Reports delivered to the seminar focused on two major contents: Discipline – the root of military strength; and solutions to promote the pioneering role of military youths in discipline observance and regularity building with absolute safety.

The organizing panel selected and edited reports into the seminar proceedings for the participants. This is a useful document on youth work in the implementation of discipline observance and regularity building with absolute safety in the coming time.

Regarding “Uncle Ho with military discipline,” Prof., Dr. Dinh Xuan Dung, former Vice President of the Central Literature and Art Theory and Criticism Council, underscored the close connection between strictly adhering to military discipline and deserving to be Uncle Ho’s soldiers because discipline is considered the symbol of Uncle Ho’s soldiers.

Translated by Minh Anh