General Giang was accompanied by representatives from functional agencies under the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army and the Naval Service.

General Giang and his entourage inspected the SNC’s Management and Security Centers and other facilities run by the corporation.

The mission was later briefed on the corporation’s achievements in 2019.

According to Senior Colonel Ngo Minh Thuan, Secretary of the Party Committee and General Director of the Corporation, last year, the unit achieved all its set targets excellently. Its container handling was 8.75 million TEU, equivalent to 116 million tons, a 15.5 percent increase compared to 2018.

Notably, its turnover reached VND 22,950 billion, up by 7 percent while the corporation earned VND 3,117 trillion in profit, a 14 percent increase against the previous year.

Senior Lieutenant General Phan Van Giang visits Saigon Newport Corporation

It is worth noting that its productivity reached VND 701 million a person a month, up by 9.9 percent, and the average income of employees was VND 26.4 million per month, up 8.6 percent.

Also in 2019, the company expanded its business scale and market, improved its capability, and operated nine new affiliated establishments, upgraded ports and received more large container ships. Attentively, it paid due attention to adjusting logistics management mechanism in a more effective manner and implemented major projects related to solar energy, transportation service, and oversized goods.

At the meeting, the corporation’s leaders asked the General Staff to consider the unit’s proposals on restructuring the personnel and organization of several affiliated units to meet new development requirements in the current period.

On behalf of the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defense, and the General Staff, General Giang expressed his delight at the SNC’s rapid and comprehensive development and its effective implementation of the economic-defense combined mission.

The defense leader also applauded the unit’s staff for their all-out efforts to fulfil their assignments. He reminded the corporation’s leadership to direct its affiliates to conduct routine military training, drill in combat readiness-related scenarios, and apply modern science and technology and artificial intelligence to its management, production, and security guarantee.

The unit was also requested to concentrate on gratitude activities and care for the poor during the upcoming Lunar New Year festival (Tet).

On the occasion, General Giang presented Tet gifts to the corporation and wished all staff a happy and prosperous New Year while doing business safely and effectively and demonstrating a high sense of combat readiness.

Translated by Mai Huong