The delegation carried out an on-site inspection to grasp the working conditions, production procedures, and product quality.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Pham Hoai Nam speaks at the event.

According to the report delivered by Sr. Col. Dang Hong Son, Director of the factory, since the beginning of the year, the factory has ensured timely delivery of defense products to military units, while also maintaining stable sales of economic goods. Research projects have been carried out strictly to meet the requirements and to pass all levels’ inspections. Until the end of the year, the factory is determined to continue to comprehensively and synchronously carry out its 2024 production and business tasks, especially the assigned defense production missions. It aims to constantly improve product quality, ensure full employment and sustainable income, and improve the material and spiritual life of workers.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Pham Hoai Nam visits a workshop of Factory Z117.
Sr. Lt. Gen. Pham Hoai Nam encourages the factory’s employees.
Delegates at the working session.

Speaking at the session, Gen. Nam highly praised the task performance of the factory over the past period. In the coming time, the deputy defense minister suggested that the Party Committee and the Chain-of-command of the factory continue to improve their leadership capacity; modernize infrastructure to increase productivity and product quality; create competitive capabilities; focus on training high-quality human resources; be dynamic and creative in finding new markets; and promote cooperation in the production of economic goods. Furthermore, the factory needs to uphold its traditions and find effective measures to effectively produce modern military equipment and weapons as well as goods that contribute to the socio-economic development of the country.

Translated by The Minh