Senior Lieutenant General Vu Hai San welcomed by cadres of Defense-Economic Mission 345

Defense-Economic Mission 345, established on March 11, 2005, was tasked to conduct missions in five difficult border communes of Bat Xat district. From April 2022, the unit is in charge of five more communes of Muong Khuong district, Lao Cai province.  

The unit is tasked to conduct combat and production missions, combine defense consolidation and socio-economic development, strengthen agricultural and forestry production, thus raising people’s living standards. The unit is also in charge of carrying out mass mobilization activities, ensuring security and public order, consolidating defense-security disposition, conducting economic activities, protecting the environment, and observing high combat readiness.

Over the past years, it has synchronously applied measures to fulfill assigned tasks. Notably, the unit has strictly observed guard duties, conducted patrols, well managed personnel, weapons and equipment, worked with other forces to closely follow developments of local political situations and public order, and effectively implemented economic development missions, contributing to enhancing people’s material and spiritual life.  

Senior Lieutenant General Vu Hai San speaks at the event.

Thanks to the unit’s efforts, many backward customs of ethnic groups in the area have been abolished. Ethnic residents have absolutely trusted in the leadership of the Party and the management of the local government.

Up to now, Defense-Economic Mission 345 has built six border residential areas, supporting 144 households with 720 people stabilize their life; completed and effectively put into use nine concrete road projects with a total length of 25km and an irrigation system in Na Lac village, Trinh Tuong commune, Bat Xat district with a length of 2.8km irrigating 45 hectares of fields.

In the 2021-2022 period, the mission donated more than 100,000 cubic meters of sand, stone, and gravel to locals for the construction of rural roads, schools, cultural houses, and welfare works. From 2018-2020, the unit directly supported 407 poor households in 77 villages of six border communes in Bat Xat Defense-Economic Zone to implement poverty reduction in combination with defense-security consolidation models with a total investment of more than VND 5 billion. In 2022, six livestock and crop production models were carried out with total investment of VND 4 billion in support of 149 poor households. In addition, the unit sent over 10,000 officials to communes, villages, and hamlets to conduct mass mobilization work and build a strong local political base. In 2022 alone, the mission built seven houses for poor households in the area with a total cost of VND 350 million.

Senior Lieutenant General Vu Hai San presents gifts to households in Ban Lau village, Trinh Tuong commune, Bat Xat district.

Concluding the inspection, Senior Lieutenant General Vu Hai San acknowledged and praised outstanding outcomes obtained by the unit over the past time and pointed out shortcomings that need addressing in the coming time.

Affirming the important role of Defense-Economic Mission 345, the deputy defense minister asked the unit to continue grasping and strictly carry out resolutions and directives of the Party, the Central Military Commission, and the Ministry of National Defense on military and defense task and leadership resolutions of the provincial Party Committee on socio-economic development in combination with defense consolidation.

The unit should strictly observe combat readiness regulations, proactively cooperate with local Party committee, authorities, and forces to closely follow, forecast, and effectively handle circumstances in a timely manner, contributing to maintaining political security and building local defensive areas, Senior Lieutenant General Vu Hai San said. 

Gifts presented to the Defense-Economic Mission 345

He requested the unit to implement programs and projects in more effective manner; proactively prepare forces, vehicles, and equipment to respond to diseases, overcome consequences of natural disasters, conduct search and rescue; foster political education and information dissemination; well carry out policies for its personnel; and promote mass mobilization and gratitude activities.

The deputy defense minister asked the unit to effectively carry out the building of comprehensively strong Party organizations and Party cells at all levels; promote dissemination and education to help its personnel fully aware of their role and responsibility; be vanguard in upholding the noble image of Uncle Ho’s soldiers, thus gaining trust of the local Party committee, authorities, and people. 

Earlier, Senior Lieutenant General Vu Hai San and his entourage visited and presented gifts to the Lao Cai provincial Military Command and A Mu Sung Border Post under the provincial Border Guard Command.

Translated by Tran Hoai