Delegates at the event

The journal held the ceremony to receive the third-class Fatherland Protection Order and mark the 75 years of its first issue (April 1948 - 2023).

Addressing the event, General Phan Van Giang highlighted the journal’s development and importance. He stressed that “the journal is really an important forum and document helping cadres, leaders and commanders at all levels study, exchange, thoroughly grasp the Party's revolutionary line, particularly on military and defense; raise the level of military and political theory.”

Praising the magazine’s achievements over the past 75 years, the defense chief asked it to continue renovating, improving quality of the dissemination work in line with the Party’s viewpoints and guidelines.

General Phan Van Giang addresses the ceremony.

He urged its staff to further study, build firm political stance, raise the level of military and political  theory, have sharp thinking, expertise, scientific methodology, link theory with practice, closely follow the Central Military Commission and Ministry of National Defense’s direction, renovate the way of expression, improve argumentation and predictability to attract more readers.

He requested the journal to concentrate on researching and disseminating the Party’s military and defense line, especially new thinking about Fatherland defense, the Party’s viewpoints on partners, Vietnam’s military strategy, the building of the whole people’s defense disposition coupled with the people’s security posture, the building of people’s heart disposition, achievements in military building and the military’s task performance in the Fatherland construction and defense cause.

In addition, it should have more sharp, combative, convincing articles; take the lead in refuting wrong and inimical views in ideological and cultural fields and in protection of the Party’s ideological foundation. Moreover, it should participate in the fight against hostile forces’ plots of "peaceful evolution," "depoliticization of the military,” and other manifestations of political, moral, and lifestyle degradation, signs of "self-evolution," and "self-transformation," said General Giang.

Defense Minister Phan Van Giang hands over the third-class Fatherland Protection Order to the journal.

Defense Minister Phan Van Giang believed that with its rich traditions and capable staff, the journal will constantly develop, fulfill its assignments, deserving to be a military, political theory organ of the Central Military Commission and Ministry of National Defense.

Authorized by the State President, General Phan Van Giang handed over the third-class Fatherland Protection Order to the journal.

Translated by Mai Huong