Accordingly, in 2021, the National Defense Journal closely followed the leadership of higher levels, real situations and military-defense activities, providing information in accordance with principles and purposes of the journal and displaying its role as a military-political theoritical organ of the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense.

The journal’s editors published 12 printed issues with 413 news and articles, including two special ones. The online version of the journal had 5.2 million views in 2021, an increase of approximatedly 2 million views in comparison to 2020.

General Phan Van Giang addressing the event

The quality of categories in the journal  was increasingly renewed in line with reality. The journal covers domestic and international events, defense-military missions, and so on.

In 2022, the journal’s editors will continue to grasp all situations, embrace higher levels’ instructions and guidance to improve contents and forms, contributing to meeting  demand of readers at home and abroad.

At the meeting, the Steering Council of the National Defense Journal reviewed the implementation of Decision No.222 QD/DUQSTW, an important legal document that clearly defines the leadership, direction and management of the journal.

General Luong Cuong speaking at the conference 

Speaking at the event, General Giang acknowledged the efforts of the journal’s editors in fulfilling their assigned tasks in 2021. He asked the Steering Council to build concrete plans of information dissemination in each quarter and month while requiring its members to regularly write for the journal. He also required the journal to draw more generals, senior leaders and scientists to do research for the journal, contributing to building the whole-people defense posture in line with the people’s security posture and fighting against wrongful viewpoints of hostile forces.

The defense minister required the journal’s editorial board to enhance political and ideological education, improve professional ethics, and organize training courses for personnel to enhance their professionalism.

Translated by Trung Thanh