Speaking at the meeting, General Cuong praised efforts of the division’s Party committee and chain-of-command and all troops in carrying out their assigned missions.
The general asked the division to further embrace higher levels' resolutions on military-defense affairs, build comprehensively strong Party organizations, improve troops’ political stance and military skills, organize a cozy, safe and economical Tet for troops in action during the festival, take care of local policy beneficiaries, and thoroughly prepare for the 2019 enlistment drive.
Then, he visited and presented Tet gifts to the Military Region 2 Command.
Senior Lieutenant General Luong Cuong gifts troops of Division 316. |
* The same day, a delegation of the Defense Ministry, led by its Deputy Minister Senior Lieutenant General Tran Don, extended Tet greetings to troops of the Long An provincial Military Command and Border Guard Command.
After hailing their achievements in 2018, General Don urged these units to continue to maintain the combat readiness posture and do in-depth analyses on local situations so as to promptly deal with all issues in any circumstances during the holiday while organizing a cozy Tet for troops.
Senior Lieutenant General Tran Don visits the Long An provincial Military Command. |
* On January 25, Lieutenant General Do Can, Deputy Director of the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People’s Army, presented gifts and extended Tet greetings to Regiment 28 of Division 10, Regiment 48 of Division 320, and Armored Brigade 273 of Army Corps 3; Brigade 132 of the Signal Corps; and the Gia Lai provincial Military Command and Border Guard Command.
At the meetings, General Can requested the units to embrace directives and resolutions of higher levels, improve training and combat readiness quality, promote regularity and discipline observation, and consolidate troops’ political stance in order to fulfill all assigned missions.
Translated by Van Hieu