Having been briefed on the academy’s task performance since early this year, General Cuong hailed the school’s achievements and underlined that despite numerous difficulties, the school’s Board of Directors closely followed resolutions issued by the CMC and directions of the Ministry of National Defense to well implement their tasks. The school well collaborated with local authorities and units as well as effectively performed mass mobilization work. In addition, they well maintained disciplines while regularly upgrading facilities, contributing to improving living conditions for its management staff, instructors and learners.

Senior Lieutenant General Luong Cuong (first from left, front) with the school's instructors and learners 

Regarding its missions in the remaining six months of the year, the defense leader urged the school to focus on improving training and scientific research quality and organizing field trips to various units for its training staff so that they can absorb more practical experience, knowledge and leadership capacity, helping them better perform their mission of teaching and training at the school. He also asked the school’s leaders to increase practice contents for learners, especially by organizing field exercises with scenarios close to the real situation of each unit and improving leadership for them, contributing to meeting the training courses’ targets.

Finally, General Cuong required the school’s personnel to increasingly promote solidarity in their Party organizations, actively study and well realize resolutions of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission, contributing to fulfilling all assigned missions.

Translated by Trung Thanh