At the event, delegates heard a report on the global and regional situations which are directly related to the performance of military and defense missions, and outcomes of the military, defense task implementation as well as discipline and law observance.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Tan Cuong speaks at the event.

They were also briefed on the agenda of the seventh session of the 15th legislature, draft laws to be considered, opined and approved in this session, results and progress of Defense Ministry-written draft laws to be submitted to the N.A. for consideration and approval in 2024, draft laws to be submitted to the N.A. for approval of being built in 2024 and started writing in 2025, as well as draft laws related to military and defense.

At the meeting, the Director of the General Department of Defense Industry reported on the draft law on Defense and Security Industry and Industrial Mobilization while Chief of the Air Defense - Air Force Service delivered a report on the draft law on the People’s Air Defense and proposals and suggestions.

An overview of the meeting

In his speech, Gen. Cuong stressed that there are many important working contents in the 15th N.A.’s seventh session with some related to the military and defense. Thus, he asked N.A. deputies in the military to continue to promote their role and perform their rights as N.A. deputies to contribute opinions. To do this, he requested them to make good preparation of contents, and opinions must follow the Central Military Commission and Defense Ministry’s views.

N.A. deputies were also urged to strictly observe the N.A.’s regulations, military discipline to contribute to the success of the session.

Gen. Cuong also took this chance to express thanks to leaders of the N.A.’s Defense and Security Committee for their support, creation of conditions for the Defense Ministry to build draft laws, draft resolutions related to military and defense to be in line with the Party’s guideline, provisions of the Constitution and reality of the military and the country. He hoped that in the coming time, the committee would continue backing the Central Military Commission’s guideline and policies and assisting the Defense Ministry in draft law making.

Translated by Song Anh