According to Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff of Military Region 5 Senior Colonel Le Ngoc Hai, Da Nang is the first locality in the region to host the exercise following the Resolution of the 10th Congress of the Party Organization of Military Region 5 for term 2020-2025.

Scene of the exercise

This year’s event mobilized forces, ships and civilian water vehicles as regulated in the Government’s Decrees 30 and 130.

The results of the exercise showed the participating forces’ expertise and commanding officers’ wise leadership over the preparations for the event. In fact, the exercise contents were thoroughly prepared and conducted in accordance with assumed scenarios while ensuring absolute safety for troops, weapons and equipment. 

Nguyen Van Quang, Secretary of the municipal Party Committee and Head of the city’s Steering Committee for Defensive Area Exercise in 2021, evaluated that the exercise was developed and conducted in line with the requirements of national protection in the current context.

Quang said that the exercise helped improve the leadership abilities of the Party Committee and authorities, the combined strength of the whole political system, and the ability to protect national sovereignty and territorial integrity in any circumstances.

He added that the exercise’s results are also part of the activities in implementing the Politburo’s Resolution 28 on building provinces and cities into firm defensive areas and the Party Central Committee’s Resolution 28 on national protection in the new period.

Translated by Tran Hoai