At the working session, Hai Phong city’s Steering Committee on Defensive Areas briefed the delegation on its outcomes in carrying out the Government’s decree. Over the past years, the steering committee has thoroughly grasped the guidelines, policies, direction of the Party, State, Government, Central Military Commission, Ministry of National Defense, and central agencies on defensive areas, especially the Politburo’s resolution on the strategy on national security protection and resolution on building and developing Hai Phong to 2030, with a vision to 2045.

A view of the working session

The city has opened 956 refresher courses on defense and security for around 96,000 trainees, including religious dignitaries and students. Economic development has been well combined with defense and security consolidation.

In addition to that, over the past years, the local Party Organization, authorities, and armed forces have well carried out policy work and paid attention to troops’ families. They have effectively implemented gratitude activities by repairing houses and presenting savings books to disadvantaged families of enlistees. The total cost of the activities was VND 7.6 trillion. The dissemination and education to mobilize local people to combat wrongful views have been carried out effectively, contributing to foiling the schemes and tricks of hostile forces.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Huynh Chien Thang speaks at the event.

Concluding the inspection, Sr. Lt. Gen. Huynh Chien Thang asked the city’s steering committee to continue to study and have more measures to build defensive areas in accordance with agencies, units, and localities’ reality. In addition, the steering committee should foster dissemination of the mission of defensive areas and strengthen political and ideological education to raise officials, party members, and people’s awareness of the significance of the defensive area building strategy.

Translated by Tran Hoai