Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien, Chief of the Vietnam Border Guard Command Lt. Gen. Le Duc Thai, and Secretary of the Party Committee and Political Commissar of the Vietnam Border Guard Command Lt. Gen. Do Danh Vuong attended the event.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien addresses the event.

Last year, the command drastically directed its affiliated agencies and units to comprehensively carry out border affairs, prevent crimes to maintain security and order in border areas and at border gates.

The command’s affiliates actively gave advice to local Party committees and authorities to encourage local people to denounce crimes, and not to support smuggling and illegal cross-border goods transportation.

Deputy Defense Minister Hoang Xuan Chien presents the first class Feat-of-Arms Order to Lt. Gen. Le Duc Thai.

In addition, the border guard forces actively contributed to hunger elimination and poverty reduction in border areas with their effective and practical action programs, thus raising the locals’ trust in the Party, authorities and locals’ engagement in national border protection.

They also boosted international cooperation to closely follow border situations, contributing to political security, social order and safety in border areas and waters.

The Drug and Crime Prevention and Control Department receives the first class Feat-of-Arms Order.

Addressing the event, General Chien hailed the border guard forces for their bravery, high determination, task accomplishments, and feats-of-arms.

The deputy defense minister asked the force to continue to implement border affairs comprehensively, firmly manage and defend national border sovereignty, effectively prevent different crimes to uphold security, order, and safety in border areas.

Border guards should continue to advice local party committees and authorities, build and consolidate political bases in areas with complicated situations, and encourage locals to join hands to defense the borders, as well as enhance international and domestic cooperation to destroy criminal rings.

The second class Fatherland Protection Order presented to the Reconnaissance Department

At the event, authorized by the State President, General Chien handed over the first class Feat-of-Arms orders to Chief of the Vietnam Border Guard Command Lt. Gen. Le Duc Thai and the Drug and Crime Prevention and Control Department, an affiliate of the Vietnam Border Guard Command in recognition of their outstanding feats-of-arms in drug and crime prevention and control and maintenance of political security, social order and safety in border areas, contributing to Fatherland protection and socialism-building.

General Chien also presented the State President’s second class Fatherland Protection Order to the Reconnaissance Department of the Vietnam Border Guard Command for their good performance in protecting territorial sovereignty, and border security.

Translated by Mai Huong