At the signing ceremony

Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Quang Hieu attended the event.

The regulation includes seven clauses, stipulating the scale, principles, responsibilities, coordination forms and mechanism.

Accordingly, the two sides pledged to provide and exchange information on new programs, plans and policies, legal documents.

Meanwhile, the Vietnam Border Guard Command will coordinate with the Consular Department in researching and giving recommendations about amending and supplementing legal documents and policies related to entry and exit of Vietnamese citizens, information about national border management and protection, and so on.

The regulation is seen as a basis for both sides to effectively implement professional activities and raise the effectiveness of the State management on consular affairs, citizen protection, sovereignty and security protection in border areas, and at seas, as well as entry and exit control activities.

Translated by Chung Anh